Our classes
Haha yoga

Classical yoga lesson, which includes sets of exercises to improve flexibility and posture, improve the quality of the respiratory system and strengthen the muscular corset

  • Duration of the lesson: 90 minutes
  • Level of training: initial
  • Number of classes per month: 8 classes
  • Cost of classes: 450$ per month
Yoga Lyengary

A specially constructed sequence of static asanas that are aimed at the correct position of the body. Harmony and anatomical perfection are the basis of practice

  • Lesson duration: 90 minutes
  • Level of training: prepared by
  • Number of classes per month: 8 classes
  • Cost of classes: 500$ per month
Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy for the reproductive system. It is aimed at activating the work of all internal organs in the pelvis and abdomen, hip and knee joints

  • Duration of the lesson: 90 minutes
  • Level of training: initial
  • Number of classes per month: 8 classes
  • Cost of classes: 650$ per month
I've been practicing yoga for almost two years, I don't understand myself without her. Improved posture, endurance, changed attitude to life. She became more resistant to stressful situations. It is very important to choose the right coach. I am very lucky that I got to you!
Stella Mads
I've been practicing yoga for almost two years, I don't understand myself without her. Improved posture, endurance, changed attitude to life. She became more resistant to stressful situations. It is very important to choose the right coach. I am very lucky that I got to you!
Maria Still
Alex Robinson
Work experience: 7 years
Sylvia Pierce
Work experience: 12 years
Arthur Manus
Work experience: 9 years
Unna Kern
Work experience: 5 years
Upcoming events
Voice yoga
November 13, 2018 from 19.00 to 21.00
A voice yoga master class will be held on November 13. "Intuitive sound and sound therapy".
Learn more
November 28, 2018 from 18.00 to 19.00
For those who are tired of traditional fitness programs, we recommend trying a new one.
Learn more
Our classes
Mn Tue WenThurFrSnSat
Yoga Lyengary 07:00 - 8:00 10:00 - 15:00 -10:00 - 15:0007:00 - 8:00--
Yoga Therapy - 15:00 - 18:00 -07:00 - 8:00-10:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00
Haha Yoga 10:00 - 18:00 07:00 - 8:00 10:00 - 18:00-15:00 - 18:0007:00 - 8:00-
Improve your life
Yoga teaches us to heal what is impossible
to tolerate, and to tolerate what is impossible to heal.

B.K.With Lyengar

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